'Wie232' - Wiegand to RS232 converter (via RS 232)
Wiegand is a standard interface used in contactless card readers. The WIE232 is able to convert the Wiegand interface to a format usable by a standard serial port (RS232). This allows contactless card readers to be easily connected to a PC or similar.
The output of Wie232 is the number of the card read by the reader in the form of text in the ASCII format or in binary format. This enables further processing of the card number by a PC software or another system.
The Wie232 module processes data using the following protocols: Wiegand 26, 30, 32, 40 or 42. Wie232 can also communicate with a standard RFID reader with JA-80H keyboard. The required type of Wiegand protocol can be chosen using the switch on the upper side of the device.
Wie232 also contains an output providing power supply to the contactless card reader. So the Wie232 and the reader can be fed using a single power supply unit.
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Want more information about how this converter device works? The WIE232 instruction manual PDF is available to download here.